The Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) Data Center is the Luxembourg entry point to data products of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 constellations.
The LSA Data Center allows the users to search, discover and download the data. To this purpose all the data are referenced and indexed in a real time updated geo-catalogue. The catalogue allows the users to query the archive on the basis of specific criteria such as product type, orbit, cloud coverage or polarisation mode and to select the needed products for the download.
User profiles are categorized into normal and premium users. Different levels of services are offered for normal and premium users. ** The LSA Data Center is intended to provide privileged access particularly to Luxembourg users. landing page provides easy access to all parts of LSA Data Center website.
Whenever the use of LSA Data Center resources results in, or contributes to, a publication or project, please include a citation for the Luxembourg Space Agency Data Center (LSA Data Center).
Please add the following reference to the acknowledgment section of any paper or presentation using LSA Data Center resources:
This research makes use of LSA Data Center resources (, an initiative of the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA).
The LSA Data Center Catalogue Client provides an enhanced solution to discover, view, and download available Earth Observation data (EO data). These are primarily Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data sets.
The catalog client is served with preview images for both Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 missions. These images allow users to visualize the products before downloading.
Please note that the resolution of the preview images are not the resolution of the Sentinel products. Indeed the LSA Data Center provides the orignial Sentinel products as produced by ESA.
The timeslider presents the distribution and number of (different) datasets in time (bar graphs). You can make a temporal selection on the timeslider:
When the Catalogue Client is opened the first time a short interactive tutorial
starts guiding you through the main features and elements of the Catalogue Client.
You can start this short intro anytime clicking the button on the lower right
of the window.
Visualisation and browse through existing image data can be performed in the map window. You can now zoom-in and pan the data. You can see a grid on the right part of the map. These are the approximate scene extents/foot prints without image content. When you start zooming-in the satellite images will appear in a reduced resolution natural colour presentation for viewing but will show full resolution when zooming in to full resolution. The map windows loads / selects data for the shown extent in the background. The time filter can changed using left click and drag in the upper area of the timeslider at the bottom of the map window or clicking on a histogram bucket.
Satellite scenes in the map window are used for a preview (pre-selection) for the download (see Download below). If you change the map extent or zoom in and out the pre-selection changes, too.
There are two panels: the left menu for selections, filters and background layers and on the right for presenting selcted data and downloads. Further deatils are provided in the filter and layer section below.
If you are hovering over the footprints (grey rectangles) or the single buckets in the timeslider the respective scene is highlighted in the map, timeslider and the selection menu at the right.
If you use the
button in the upper right part of the map window the menu/window with search results appears.
Now the Catalogue Client is in the download modus, where you can search, select and download of
check the satellite scenes.
LSA Data Center provides you with Viewing functionalities in the map window and Filter/Search functionality for download all in a single page.
There are two possibilities to query data in the Catalogue-Client. At the left there is the Filter window - see figure below:
1. You can apply a temporal query --> "Time Filter": Enter Start and End date of your search interval.
2. You can apply a spatial query: --> "Spatial Filter": using the "Rectangle" or "Polygon" drawing options under "Draw"
Additional Filters can be applied on the available information stored with the data sets. Filters can be applied to sensor features such as Cloud Cover or Polarisation Mode.
If you click on "Layers" the "Overlay", "Layer" and "Base Layer" legend can be seen. The "Base Layer " is the background for the map window for orientation and the "Layer" presents the selected data sets and its products or products levels (e.g. Sentinel 2). You can select and change the order of the layers.
The order of of the layers has an influence on the order of layers in the timeslider.
Clicking on the button next to the level in the search result tab, it is possible to save the search query. To download the XML file click with the right mouse button on the link and then "Save Link As...".
The Dashboard offers hourly updated statistics of the LSA Data Center such as the "Volume of Products" and "Number of Products" available in the archive. It also three distinct tabs with interactive features to display more detailed information on the archive.
This tab shows the composition of the archive in terms of volume and number of products per mission. The statistics are displayed by hovering over the Pie Charts or over the Legends.
Statistics per product type are also displayed when clicked on the Pie Charts.
This tab gives information of the data available in the LSA Data Center grouped by sensing month. In particular the Bar Chart display the number of products sensed in a month and available for download in the archive. The Bar Charts are interactive and allow the user to select one or more product types by clicking the legend.
The LSA Data Center is the only Collaborative Ground Segment of Europe offerings full collection of Sentinel 2 data online.
This tab shows the evolution of the archive over time.
The LSA Data Center platform makes use of a User Management System (UMS), which is used for the authentication and authorisation of users. The UMS is used to manage users, user groups and user rights. Some changes of group membership and user rights can't be done automatically, but must be authorised and granted according to the LSA Data Center Governance (Rules for user groups and their access rights). The process of granting additional user rights to an user can last some time.
The main advantage of the UMS is that it provides a single-sign-on (SSO) procedure, which means that only a single login (after registration) is required by the user to access the configured and integrated LSA Data Center services.
You can log in over the login block of the "Account" tab of the Portal which is shown in the figure below.
Once you have pressed the "Login" button you are redirected to the CAS login form. After entering your credentials and submitting the form you are logged in on the LSA Data Center platform...
If you don't have an account yet, you can create one by clicking on the "register" link next to the login block. This is necessary before you can login as a LSA Data Center user.
You will be redirected to a self-registration form which is shown in the figure below.
Please note once you click the "Register" button you accept the LSA Data Center Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement.
After sending the completed form you will be redirected to the LSA Data Center Portal.
After the completetion of registration, an user account is created using the information provided in the registration form. The information provided in the registration form can be revisited by the user any time by accessing the "Profile" tab available under "Account" as shown in the figure below.
In the profile page shown below, the users are allowed to
If you have any further technical question, please feel free to contact the LSA Data Center Helpdesk:
Sentinel-2 is an Earth observation mission developed by ESA as part of the Copernicus program to provide continuity of SPOT and LANDSAT-type image data, contribute to ongoing multispectral observations and benefit Copernicus services and applications such as land management, agriculture and forestry, disaster control, humanitarian relief operations, risk mapping and security concerns. The mission comprises a constellation of two identical polar-orbiting satellites (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) placed in the same orbit, phased at 180° to each other. Sentinel-2A was launched on 23 June 2015 and Sentinel-2B followed on 7 March 2017.
Both satellites carry an innovative wide swath high-resolution multispectral imager with 13 spectral bands that combines a high spatial resolution (up to 10 x 10 m) with novel spectral capabilities and high revisit times (5 days at the equator and 2.3 days at mid-latitudes with both satellites, respectively).
For more information please refer to ESA's mission description that can be found here:
The Sentinel-2 multispectral imager (MSI) undertakes systematic acquisition in a single observation mode. The Sentinel-2 data products available for users are listed in the following figure:
Measurement data file format of Level-1C and Level-2A: JPEG2000
Level-1C: Top of atmosphere reflectances in fixed cartographic geometry (combined UTM projection and WGS84 ellipsoid). Level-1C images are a set of tiles of 100 km², each of which is approximately 600 MB in size. These products contain applied radiometric and geometric corrections (including orthorectification and spatial registration).
Level-2A: Bottom of atmosphere reflectances in cartographic geometry. The Level-2A operational processor generates, from algorithms of scene classification and atmospheric correction, Level-2A (BOA reflectance) products based on Level-1C products. In addition to the operational processor, Level-2A data products can be generated by the user by on the user side by using a processor running on ESA's Sentinel-2 Toolbox, such as ESA SNAP ( The Level-2A is available since March 2017 as pilot version (Level-2Ap) and since 26 March 2018 as operational version. In the geocatalog the two version are published in the same layer.
If you have any further questions regarding the Sentinel products, please feel free to contact the thematic Helpdesk:
Sentinel-1 is an Earth observation mission developed by ESA as part of the Copernicus program to provide continuity of ESA's ERS-1, ERS-2 and ENVISAT as well as Canada's RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. It comprises a constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites, operating day and night performing C-band synthetic aperture radar imaging, enabling them to acquire imagery regardless of the weather.
Sentinel-1 will work in a pre-programmed operation mode to avoid conflicts and to produce a consistent long-term data archive built for applications based on long time series. It will be the primary source of data for information on the oceans and the Arctic. The mission's ability to provide observation in all weather, and in day or night time conditions, makes it ideal for maritime and Arctic monitoring. SENTINEL-1 dual polarimetric products will benefit users interested in agriculture, forestry and land cover classification. The enhanced interferometric capabilities will benefit users involved in activities like geohazard monitoring, mining, geology and city planning through subsidence risk assessment. SENTINEL security users will be able to monitor major shipping routes to detect illegal activities, gather prosecution evidence in case of illegal discharges, detect unexpected building in remote areas, monitor deforestation and support search and rescue activities.
The rapid data dissemination and short revisit cycles of SENTINEL-1 together with its interferometric capabilities will also benefit emergency response users, such as the United Nations International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, in emergency situations such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides.
For more information please refer to ESA's mission description that can be found here:
Sentinel-1 data products acquired in SM, IW and EW mode which are generated by the PDGS operationally are distributed at three levels of processing. The following figure shows the different acquisition modes, processing levels and data products of Sentinel-1:
Measurement data file format and resolution:
Level | Product Type | File Format |
Level-0 | RAW | Binary file (.dat format) |
Level-1 | SLC | GeoTIFF |
GRD | GeoTIFF | |
Level-2 | OCN | NetCDF |
Level-0: Sentinel-1 Level-0 SAR products contain the RAW SAR data from the unprocessed Instrument Source Packets (ISP). Raw data products are generated from the 4 Sentinel-1 image modes such as Stripmap Mode(SM), Interferometric Wide Swath Mode(IW), Extra Wide Swath mode(EW) and Wave Mode (WV). Raw data products are also generated from the SENTINEL-1 calibration modes such as RF Characterisation Mode (RFC), Elevation Notch Acquisition Mode (EN) and Azimuth Notch Acquisition Mode (AN). Only the standard products from the SM, IW, and EW modes will be distributed by the Payload Data Ground Segment PDGS.
Level-1: Sentinel-1 Level-1 products are the baseline products for the majority of users from which higher levels are derived. From data in each acquisition mode, the Instrument Processing Facility (IPF) generates focused Level-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) products and Level-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) products. All Level-1 products are geo-referenced and time tagged with zero Doppler time at the centre of the swath. Geo-referencing is corrected for the azimuth bi-static bias by taking into account the pulse travel time delta between the centre of the swath and the range of each geo-referenced point.Level-1 products can be generated by the users using the processor running on ESA's Sentinel-1 Toolbox such as ESA SNAP (
Level-2: Sentinel-1 Level-2 consists of geo-located geophysical products derived from Level-1. There is only one standard Level-2 product for wind, wave and currents applications - the Level-2 Ocean (OCN) product. The OCN product may contain Ocean Wind field (OWI), Ocean Swell spectra (OSW) and Surface Radial Velocity (RVL) geophysical components derived from the SAR data. OCN products are generated from all four Sentinel-1 imaging modes. From SM mode, the OCN product will contain all three components. From IW and EW modes, the OCN product will only contain OWI and RVL. From WV modes, the OCN product will only contain OSW and RVL. Level-2 products can be generated by the users using the processor running on ESA's Sentinel-1 Toolbox such as ESA SNAP (
If you have any further questions regarding the Sentinel products, please feel free to contact the thematic Helpdesk: